Material for program “Martial Arts Ethics: Offensive and Defensive Techniques” (comparative ethics rules with Italy)

Material for program Martial Arts Ethics: Offensive and Defensive Techniques. I would like to share my speaker’s material for the program “Martial Arts Ethics: Offensive and Defensive Techniques” (April 29, 2015 ABA SIL Spring Meeting 2015 in Washington). The material deals with the following topics: I. Italian Ethics rules are rules of law; II. Using legal formalities to advance the interest of the client vs. using legal formalities to advantage the lawyer’s own interest; III. Lite temeraria (“frivolous lawsuit”) in Italy – client (not lawyer) can pay damages; IV. Ethics duty to avoid conflict of interest; V. Lack, voidness or invalidity of proxy to represent a client; VI. (US) Assistance to foreign proceeding; VII. Attorney-client privilege. It contains reference to Italian case law and overview of scholarly articles. The translations are my own, therefore: not official.

%22Martial Arts Ethics%22 – Francesca Giannoni-Crystal Conference April 29, 2015

For more information, contact Francesca Giannoni-Crystal